Childbirth is fundamentally a spiritual, as well as a physical achievement. . . The birth of a child is the ultimate perfection of human love.
Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded.
Grantly Dick-Read “Childbirth Without Fear”
Grantly Dick-Read “Childbirth Without Fear”
Shelly Girard, LM, CPM, MPH
Seannie Gibson, LM, CPM, LLC

Shelly Girard and Seannie Gibson provide midwifery and women’s health services in the Greater Los Angeles area, including homebirth, gynecology, postpartum care, doula services, breastfeeding support, and CPR training. They have a deep and abiding belief in both the ability and the right of women to give birth naturally and safely at home.
Childbirth at Home. A Labor of Love.

Seannie and Shelly offer highly personalized, family centered care that acknowledges the mind/body connection by treating the whole being: the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual self. They are licensed by the California State Medical Board and Accredited by the North American Registry of Midwives. In practice since 1972, they are the most experienced homebirth midwives in Los Angeles.
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers – strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.”
“How many mothers’ eyes have filled with tears as they asked “When will it be over?” only to be told to “take each contraction as it comes, be with it, and let it go, for as long as it takes.” As she copes with the successive waves of contraction she develops patience and persistence. She forms a bond with this child she is birthing that is all the deeper because it has been forged with hard work and sweat and tears. It may be the most difficult work she has ever done. It is a labor of love and the most precious gift she can give to herself and her baby.”
from “Why Choose Natural Childbirth” by Shelly Girard