Your appointments take place in a peaceful, nurturing environment. We welcome your spouse, children, friends and relatives at prenatal appointments and your delivery, if you desire.

We provide the same tests and procedures offered by most obstetricians. Some tests may be optional for clients under our care, but all are available. Samples are collected here at our facility and sent to the lab for processing.

Extensive counseling and education regarding all aspects of pregnancy, delivery, and the newborn period will be a part of every visit.

We offer 24 / 7 availability for birth services, emerging problems, or phone counseling. Your concerns are truly important to us!
Together we create an advanced nutritional plan and exercise program that will benefit both you and your baby. Drawing on strong backgrounds in herbology, homeopathy, acupressure, and massage therapy, we will direct you to high-quality integrative services when appropriate.


“Mothers birth best where they feel the most comfortable and with whom they feel the safest. Giving birth in the sanctuary of your own home, surrounded by loving friends, family and experienced care providers can be one of the most joyful and empowering moments of your life.”
Your delivery at home will be attended by a midwife with whom you have a trusting, established relationship. We will provide continuous care during active labor, delivery and immediate postpartum. By the time your birth team leaves, you will be showered, fed, and tucked into bed with your breastfeeding newborn and significant others.


This practice prides itself in having performed one of the first waterbirths in the Los Angeles area in 1988. For those women for whom water is a comfort, laboring and/or delivering in water in a portable birthing pool at home may be just the thing to ease labor.
We have all the information and resources needed to create a beautiful home waterbirth.

Extended Postpartum Care

We will return within 24 hours after your birth to check both you and your baby and assist with breastfeeding. Care will continue throughout the six-week postpartum period to ensure the well-being of you and your baby.

Breastfeeding Counseling and Support

Breastfeeding your baby is an amazing experience! While most mothers have no difficulties, mastering the process can take time and be challenging.
As trained lactation specialists, we can help ease the process should you have problems with latch, milk supply, sore nipples, plugged ducts etc.
When breastfeeding issues require serious intervention, we refer to Lactation Consultants to help master the problem.

Nutrition and Exercise Counseling

Excellent nutrition is the cornerstone for a healthy pregnancy and birth, and for the optimal growth and development of your baby. Our approach is integrative. Whether you are a vegan, a macrobiotic or a meat lover, we can help create a diet that ensures you get all the nutrients you need.
We will also help you work on an appropriate exercise routine that you enjoy in the knowledge that babies born from mothers who exercise on a regular basis have superior cardio-vascular systems for life.

Well-Woman Gynecological Services and Family Planning

We offer annual exams, Pap smears / HPV screening, STD screening, Breast Exams, Birth Control Counseling including Natural Family Planning, Perimenopause and Menopause counseling, and assistance with sexual dysfunction.

Support for Twin Pregnancies and Deliveries

We have been honored to work successfully with many mothers-to-be of twins to help them have a more-fulfilling birth experience within a hospital setting.

Hospital Birth Support

Women who are looking for extra support for their hospital deliveries should consider Doula services with a Midwife. We offer concurrent midwifery care prenatally and support for delivery, as an adjunct to your Doctor’s care. While being safely monitored and guided, you can stay home longer, minimize unnecessary interventions, and have a more satisfying birth experience.

Referral Services

We recognize that pregnancy and birth are life-changing events, and that processing fears and concerns helps free the birthing mother to go to the place inside of herself where she already knows how to give birth.
We can refer to therapists and hypnotherapists who offer unique approaches to the mental and emotional stresses that may arise over the course of a pregnancy.

We also refer to care providers such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, herbalists, obstetricians, perinatologists, and pediatricians. The caretakers to whom we refer are all highly skilled in their fields and have years of experience safely treating pregnant women.

The doulas to whom we refer, both for birth and postpartum, are masters in their fields and can provide the highest expertise with skill and compassion.

Additional Services

For answers to your childbirth related questions, email us at:

Or, call: 1 (323) 221-2299